31 December Daily Prompts for 2025
December daily prompts can help when you are feeling stuck on what to write or scrapbook.

This list of 31 December daily prompts will give you ideas on ways to share your holiday experiences. Themes include holiday baking and cozy Christmas traditions. Each prompt is written to help you visually tell your story.
For the past five years, December daily has remained one of my favorite scrapbooking/ journaling traditions. By documenting each day in December, I have learned to appreciate the special moments that occur every day. If you’re ready to start your own, explore December Daily supplies and Scrapbook page ideas.
What Are Good December Daily Prompts?
The best writing prompts for December should spark self-reflection and encourage creativity while capturing the magic of the season.
1. December Bucket list
A bucket list is the perfect way to start your month off right.
Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish and go see. A bucket list will also help you prioritize your days and give you something to look forward to.
There are certain activities that are only available to do in December such as Santa visits and Christmas light shows. So be sure to mark time on your calendar so you can check activities off your list.
2. Holiday Home Decorating
Quite possibly one of my favorite things I look forward to each year.
As the days get shorter and the snow starts falling it is understandable that you may want to stay indoors. As much time as we spent inside our homes during Winter, we will want to make it a cozy and festive place to be.
In my own December daily album I document the traditional décor we put out each year as well as putting up our Christmas tree.
3. December Reading List
With Winter break right around the corner, there is no better time to work on your “to be read” pile. Even if you do not prefer reading novels, jot down some news articles, blog posts, recipe books, or any other reading you would like to accomplish.
4. Festive Pets

Scrapbooking my pets is easily one of my favorite December daily prompts!
I am not sure about your animals, but mine love the holidays as much as I do. My cat specially loves hiding in the tree and my rabbit can play with wrapping paper all day long.
Capture some special moments of your animals playing outside in the snow or playing with the tinsel in the tree.
5. Current Gifting Trends
This prompt idea will be super interesting to look back on in the future.
Trends are always changing in our current world and they are sometimes hard to keep up with. Write down a list of the most popular toy trends this year or the “it” item your family is asking for.
6. Christmas Wish List
Oftentimes, scrapbookers focus only on sharing other people’s story that they forget to include themselves. Take time to make your own Christmas wish list where you can share your current obsessions and what you want this year.
7. Gift Wrapping
If you enjoy mixed media projects this will be one of the most fun December daily prompts!
Find fun ways you can utilize extra pieces of wrapping paper in your December daily album. Swap out scrapbook paper and use brightly patterned wrapping paper instead. Then, include photos of how you wrapped each gift.
8. Season Of Giving/ Act of Kindness
There are countless opportunities to give back to your community during the holidays. Come up with a list of stuff you can do as an act of kindness.
Some ideas are to donate a Winter coat or buy someone else’s meal in the drive-thru. Or, you may be a recipient of one of these acts of kindness. Use this December daily prompt to document how a special act of gift-giving makes you feel.
9. Christmas Movie Favorites

Check out this adorable Christmas movies film reel cut file. This is such a unique way to show off your favorite movies and shows. Classics such as Rudolf and the Grinch are my go-to each year.
10. Work Party
If your office throws a Holiday work party you can use the opportunity to capture moments with some of your favorite coworkers. Since work is part of our everyday normal routine, it is fun to capture a few of the fun moments we have while working.
11. Snow Day
If you are lucky enough to live in an area where it snows be sure to capture how beautiful a fresh, sparkly snowfall looks. At least before it turns brown and mucky.
Spend the day playing in the snow with your family and scrapbook all about it. Write how the snow looked and felt. Include your favorite snow activities and why you enjoy them.
12. 12 Days Of Christmas

The 12 days of Christmas is a classic! There are so many ways to tweak it each year.
For example in 2020, I made a 12 days of Christmas and included lines all about the infamous event. Each year there are new trends or events happening around the world or just in your family.
This is a great way to share some of the occurrences in a given year.
13. Christmas Lights Show

Driving around town to see all the different light displays is a must-do during December. There are so many pretty scenes to capture. The photos will speak for themselves or you can add journaling about your favorite displays.
14. Hanging Ornaments
If your family is anything like mine, you all collect ornaments that have a special meaning behind them.
There are ornaments we made as children, bought as a travel souvenir, or were gifted for an anniversary or birth. Hanging ornaments can be a sentimental moment. Which is why I included it as one of the December daily prompts you must include in your mini album.
15. Christmas Gift Shopping

Another journal prompt idea is what gifts you got for all your friends and family.
Journal all about your shopping experience. Include what gifts you bought and take pictures of all the cute window displays.
A great idea for your album is to include different store receipts as a little memento. It will be fun to look back in the future and see what you bought and how much everything was at the time.
16. Old Family Tradition
Each family brings their own special Christmas traditions. Ours is Christmas breakfast and playing different games while we open presents.
Family traditions are essential to include in your December daily album to share and pass down to your kids.
17. Baking Traditions

Tis the season of baking! If your family has secret recipes stored away this is the album to include them in.
Something special I love seeing in others’ albums are handwritten recipe cards from their mothers or grandmothers. A handwritten recipe is so special to keep, that way each time you bake something you are thinking of them. It provides something personalized for your scrapbook.
18. Decorating Gingerbread Houses
This is one of the December daily prompts that are perfect for children. Even if you do not have kids, decorating gingerbread houses is so much fun. It is a way to show off each person’s individually and creativity.
19. Cozy Fashion
Fashion trends come and go. Which is why I love sharing a page in my December album all about what I wore.
You can include new trends, special pieces that were gifted down, or even an ugly Christmas sweater. Since fashion changes year after year it is so cool to look back on different outfits that you once wore.
When looking back on my parents’ old scrapbooks their outfits are one of the first things I notice (and make fun of!)
20. Christmas Music
Take time to share the Holiday songs you play on repeat! You can make a list of the top five or ten holiday songs of the year.
If you enjoy singing or playing an instrument you can also include photos of going caroling or attending a concert.
21. Homemade Gifts
As a crafty person, it is so much fun to create handmade cards and gifts for everyone!
It is equally as fun to receive a handmade gift. It is so special to see the hard work and personalization that goes into gifts. One year I made personalized stickers for all my friends.
If you decide to create something unique, take the time to share the meaning behind it in your December daily.
22. Nativity Scene
We cannot forget the true reason for the season – Jesus! Take this time to dedicate an entire page to what Christmas truly means to you.
Capture the nativity scene you created in your home, or at church. If your child is in a church Christmas play this would also be a great event to capture.
23. Letter To Santa Claus
If you have children, perhaps one of your traditions is to write letters to Santa.
Before you mail the letter, take a picture or scan a copy to include in your scrapbook album. This is another great keepsake you will love to look back on.
24. Christmas Eve
Santa Claus is coming to town! Just one of the reasons I love Christmas so much is because it is such an eventful holiday with multiple days of celebrations.
Each Christmas Eve we get together with family and have a special dinner. As kids, we would hang the stockings and patiently wait for Santa to arrive. Then the next day would be full of even more excitement.
25. Christmas Day

Possibly the most important of all the December daily prompts.
If you celebrate Christmas you MUST include the actual day of festivities in your December daily album. Highlight the day of activity from as soon as you wake up, to opening presents, to Christmas dinner, and falling asleep. Capture what exactly makes Christmas special to you and who you celebrate with!
26. Winter Nature
Nature during the month of December is so peaceful and serene. I love seeing Winter landscapes.
Whether you live in the country or the city, the icy trees and lighted buildings can be so beautiful. Scrapbook a photo of a Wintery nature scene wherever you live.
Take this opportunity to be grateful for where you live and the nature that is all around you.
27. Sledding/ Skiing

As a kid I loved visiting our local golf course to go sledding down the giant hill. As soon as I looked out the window and saw the inches of snows on the ground I raced out the door and grabbed my sled. These were some of my favorite childhood Winter memories with my family.
If you have an impromptu snow day, take the opportunity and have fun with your family. If it does not snow where you live, visit the nearest ski resort and try a new activity.
28. Family Christmas Cards
It is so much fun to make and receive Christmas cards each year. In fact, I love it so much I keep all the cards I receive throughout the years in a small box.
If your family takes an annual photo for the family Christmas card be sure to create an entire layout for it. Show off the theme of the card and maybe even share a behind the scenes funny moment from the photoshoot.
29. Something New
What is something new your family is trying out this season? Maybe you’ve moved into a new house, received a new Christmas gift or are spending the holidays elsewhere than you typically do.
Change can be a bunch a things, both good and bad. Although we love to share the good, it is also important to document some of the changes that may not be as fun. New changes are a part of our story after all.
Use this day of December daily prompts to share a life update and how you have been doing, truthfully!
30. New Years Eve Plans
Christmas may be over but the holidays are not!
New Years Eve is a time to celebrate and enjoy good company. Share your New Years Eve traditions or come up with new plans to try this year. Use this special night to try a new restaurant or watch the ball drop from the comfort of your couch.
31. Year In Review
The end of December also means the end of the year. While it is bittersweet, there are tons of things to be grateful for.
Spend time writing down some of your favorite memories from the year. Special birthdays, vacations, lessons you’ve learned, and new beginnings.
As we finish off our December daily album this is a great way to simultaneously close out the year. Once you finish your year in review, you may also want to include some of your hopes for the upcoming year ahead.
This post provides 31 December daily prompts to try out
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