High School Scrapbook Album Ideas For Freshman – Senior Year
Find excellent High School scrapbook ideas to preserve your cherished memories.

A High School scrapbook album is the perfect project to start whether you are a current student, or long-time alum. Unlike a traditional yearbook, a scrapbook is totally personalized by you! Which means only you and your favorite people will be included. As well as all of your favorite memories and inside jokes.
A lot can happen in four years. Including making new friends, falling in love, learning to drive, and learning new things. High school may seem like it will never end, but once it does you will wish you could go back just for one day. Continue reading to learn how you can create your own school scrapbook album for memory sake.
How To Make A High School Scrapbook
Truly, the only supplies you will need for this project are photos from these four years of school. Gather as many photographs as you can find and organize them by year and occasion. Below, you will find layout ideas for some of the major events that take place during high school. Once you have your photos organized by theme you can start to gather materials. Pick up paper, glue, stickers, and any kind of embellishments you can think of to make your album personalized to you.
1. First Day Of School Scrapbook Ideas

The first day of school can be nerve-wracking. But it can also be exciting when you think of all the new experiences that are to come. My favorite part of the first day of school was seeing who all was in my classes. And being pleasantly surprised when I shared those classes with friends. Although, the most memorable thing from the first day was what I wore. I remember spending hours the night before picking out the perfect outfit. It had to be cute but not too over-the-top. And if your parents are like mine, they of course had to take a hundred photos before you left in the morning.
I remember this particular photo perfectly. It was the morning of the first day of sophomore year. I had spent the night at my best friends house so we could ride to school together. We spent double the amount of time it would normally take us to get ready for school. As always, I am thankful to have this exciting memory stored away in my high school scrapbook album. This was one of my favorite first days of school and it is so special to look back on.
When creating this layout I used a variety of cute doodle stamps. Just like the doodles you see drawn on your class notes. Stamps are one of my favorite ways to decorate an album and they come in so many different designs.
2. School Sports Layout

Highlight fun memories made while playing your favorite sport or extracurricular activity. During my high school experience, playing sports provided a way for me to stay active and be a part of a team. I am extremely thankful to have had the opportunity to play and even more thrilled that I have these photos to reminisce. Whether you were the player on the field or a fan in the stadium you can create a layout that shows off your school spirit.
Lacrosse was my sport of choice as I entered my Freshman year. There are many highs and lows with any team sport and I am thankful for the life lessons I had learned from the game. One of the more memorable lessons our coaches taught us was to never give up, and to always “Hold the rope.” The rope was symbolic to pushing yourself to be the best version of you in order to achieve your goals. Not only is the motto stuck in my head, but there is also a tangible rope. Scrapbooks are mostly filled with pictures and stickers, however any opportunity to include a tangible object is great. This is the same “rope” that was tied to our shoelaces during games.
3. Driver’s License Picture Layout

Turning sixteen is one of the more exciting moments of your teenage years. Being able to drive brings a new set of freedom and responsibility. The day that I got my license I was so excited to no longer have to ride the school bus. This scrapbooking page captures the moment right after I passed my driving exam. I passed the test with flying colors and could officially drive myself around town.
Getting a driver’s license is a significant “first” in life and should absolutely be celebrated. Since you will already be dressed up to take your license photo, be sure to snap a personal picture for yourself to put in your album.
4. Homecoming Scrapbook Pages

Homecoming is usually the first big dance of the school year. The buildup of excitement during the weeks leading up to the dance are all anyone can talk about. Arguably, the best part of any dance is picking out a dress and getting hair and makeup done. I always enjoyed dressing up and the prep that goes into the evening before the night begins. My friends and I always went as a group with one another; not many of us went with dates. Which makes the night all the more fun.
I love scrapbooking any homecoming and prom photos. The paper and designs are always fancy and elegant. This is the perfect opportunity to use all the glitter and sparkles you desire. Afterall, if your mom is anything like mine she probably took hundreds of pictures Homecoming night. Which should give you even more material for your custom high school scrapbook.
5. High School Scrapbook Ideas For Prom

Similarly to the homecoming dance, prom is another opportunity to get dressed up and have a fun night out with your favorite people. Unlike homecoming however, I went to Prom with the best date ever. If you are not familiar with prom culture in the United States getting asked to prom can be a big deal. Boys will come up with a unique way to ask their date, also known as a ‘prom’posal. My boyfriend got special permission to use a local firetruck and asked me to prom. It was very heartwarming getting asked, and I also loved seeing all the other ways girls were asked to prom.
When planning your own high school scrapbook ideas it is always fun to come up with different themes you can use. These themes can include your school colors, mascots, extracurricular interests, or in this case dance themes. I used the fire departments related colors and embellishments to decorate this page. This is one of my favorite layouts in my school scrapbook. If you are interested in seeing more homecoming and prom scrapbook layouts I have an entire blog post sharing multiple other ideas.
5. 18th Birthday Scrapbook Layout Ideas

There is no doubt that high school can be difficult at times. Although, I am confident that you can get through anything with your best friend by your side. The secret to surviving high school is having someone you can always count on close by. Even as we grow older our friendships continue to grow with us. Another huge milestone during the high school years is turning eighteen. Also referred to as the official year of adulthood.
I love scrapbooking birthdays and one thing is for certain that you can never have enough photos. This layout is one of the most simple designs you can follow. In fact, this was one of my very first scrapbooking pages that I created. It is all about the paper and patterns you work with.
7. High School Graduation Scrapbook

After four long years graduation day creeps up and you suddenly cannot believe it. There is a whole lot of different emotions on graduation day. On one hand you feel accomplished and can look back on everything you have achieved. On the other hand, it may be sad to know this chapter of your life is over. However, one thing for certain is that there is so much to look forward to after high school graduation. College, a career, traveling, and so much more is waiting for you.
Thankfully I had all the most important people attend my graduation. This was the last time I was able to rep my school’s colors as an official student. I decorated this page as well with blue and gold color schemes. Looking back at this layout re-sparks the sense of accomplishment I felt that same day.
This post is all about memorable high school scrapbook ideas
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