249 Catchy Music Titles For Scrapbooking

Catchy music titles for your dedicated album of songs, concert outings, and performances.

music titles

Whether you are reminiscing about a concert, a person, or a special event, these music titles will capture essence of the moment. Each one of us as a soundtrack to our lives. When we cannot find the right words to say, music is there to help express ourselves.

This collection of the best song titles will add a touch of personalization to your projects. I like to add my current favorite songs to my scrapbooking pages to give a glimpse of my life at the given moment.

What Are Some Catchy Music Titles For Scrapbooking?

Concert Titles

catchy music titles for scrapbooking
  1. A Night of Notes
  2. A Symphony of Memories
  3. All Jazzed-Up
  4. Amped-Up
  5. Beat Bliss
  6. Bonanza
  7. Chasing the Beat
  8. Concert Chronicles
  9. Concert Confessions
  10. Concert on, world off
  11. Crazy nights make the best memories
  12. Dancing in the Dark
  13. Dancing like nobody’s watching
  14. Echoes of Euphoria
  15. Epic Encore
  16. Feel the Rhythm
  17. Giggle and Groove
  18. Greetings from the Front Row
  19. Hands in the air, letting go of all care
  20. Harmonic Hues
  21. Harmony Haven
  22. Harmony in the Night
  23. Heartbeats synchronized to the rhythm
  24. I just wanna party all night in the neon lights
  25. I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll
  26. In Concert and Color
  27. In the Limelight
  28. In Tune with the Night
  29. It’s not just a concert, it’s an experience
  30. It’s showtime
  31. Jazz Journeys
  32. Jazzed-Up Jottings
  33. Jubilant Jams
  34. Just beat it
  35. Life is short. Buy the tickets
  36. Lively Lyrics
  37. Losing my voice
  38. Lyrical Landmarks
  39. Lyrical Legends
  40. May this night last forever
  41. Melodies in Motion
  42. Memorable Measures
  43. Memories in Harmony
  44. Music makes you lose control
  45. Musical Memoirs
  46. My favorite Anthem
  47. My music family
  48. Notes from the Spotlight
  49. Pulse of Music
  50. Rhapsody in Real-Time
  51. Rhythmic Recollections
  52. Rockin’ out at my fave concert
  53. Rockin’ Recollections
  54. Sing it loud, sing it proud
  55. Singing my heart out
  56. So many concerts, not enough money
  57. Soulful Soundscape
  58. Soundtrack of my Night
  59. Striking a Chord
  60. Symphonic Stories
  61. The Beat Goes On
  62. The Concert Collection
  63. The lights, the music, the memories
  64. The night is young, and the music is loud
  65. The Rhythm of the Crowd
  66. The Sound of Memories
  67. The soundtrack of our lives
  68. The stage is set, let the magic begin
  69. Together, we find our rhythm
  70. Tonight’s soundtrack: live and loud
  71. Tune into the night
  72. Tunes and Tales
  73. Vivid Vibes
  74. We came, we saw, we rocked

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Catchy Music Titles For Scrapbooking Instruments

music titles for essay

If you play an instrument and are looking for classic music title ideas, then these will be perfect. There is nothing better than the sound of live, acoustic songs playing in the background. Show off your musical skills with these sayings.

  1. “Music is healing. Music holds things together.” ― Prince
  2. “Music is life itself.” — Louis Armstrong
  3. A symphony of emotions
  4. Accordion Accolades
  5. Bassline Balancing Act
  6. Bassline Beauty
  7. Bassline Bliss
  8. Beat of the Bongos
  9. Brass Brilliance
  10. Capturing Crescendo
  11. Cello Synchrony
  12. Chords and Captures
  13. Drumbeat Dreams
  14. Drumming Dynamics
  15. Enchanting Echoes
  16. Fingers in Harmony
  17. Flute Finesse
  18. Flute Flourish
  19. Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
  20. Guitar Gaze
  21. Guitar Glimpses
  22. Guitarist’s Glory
  23. Harmonizing Moments
  24. Harmony and Hues
  25. Harmony in the Hands
  26. Hitting the High Notes
  27. Jazz is not just music, it’s a way of life
  28. Jazz Journeys
  29. Jazzed-Up Jams
  30. Keyed In
  31. Keys to the Melody
  32. Melodic Moments
  33. Music is my Life & Lyrics are my Stories
  34. Music is not to hear, but to feel
  35. Music notes are love notes
  36. Music sounds different to the one who plays it
  37. Musical Moments in Monochrome
  38. Musical Mosaics
  39. Notes in Motion
  40. Percussion Perspectives
  41. Percussion Prowess
  42. Pianist’s Perspective
  43. Piano Passion
  44. Piano Portrait
  45. Rhythmic Reflections
  46. Rhythmic Reverie
  47. Saxophone Serenade
  48. Saxophone Sunset
  49. Saxophonist’s Soul
  50. Soulful Sax
  51. Striking a Chord
  52. Strings and Shadows
  53. Strings in the Spotlight
  54. Strings of Serenity
  55. Strumming Sunset
  56. Symphony of Strings
  57. Treble-y in love
  58. Trumpet Triumph
  59. Violin Vignettes
  60. Wind Ensemble
  61. Wind Whisperer
  62. Without music, life would be a blank to me.” — Jane Austen
  63. Woodwind Whispers

Popular Song Title Ideas

music titles for yearbook

These music titles include some of the most popular songs of this generation. Anyone looking through your album will quickly recognize these lyrics. Thankfully, there is a song for every mood you may be feeling. For an extensive list of iconic song titles check out Rolling Stone.

  1. “Because you know I’m all about that bass” — Meghan Trainor
  2. “Cause all of me loves all of you.” – John Legend
  3. “Find me where the wild things are.” —Alessia Cara
  4. “I hope you think my favorite song, the one we danced to all night long.” — Taylor Swift
  5. “I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist.” —Sia
  6. “I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.” —Selena Gomez
  7. “I’m on top of the world!” – Imagine Dragons
  8. “Ok, ladies. Now, Let’s get in formation.” — Beyoncé
  9. “Party in the USA” – Miley Cyrus
  10. “Please don’t stop the music.” — Rihanna
  11. “Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.” – Brad Paisley
  12. “Sweet home Alabama, where the skies are so blue!”
  13. “This is the part when I break free.” — Ariana Grande
  14. All About That Bass
  15. Billie Jean
  16. Bohemian Rhapsody
  17. Can’t Stop the Feeling!
  18. Chandelier
  19. Counting Stars
  20. Crazy in Love
  21. Dance Monkey
  22. Dancing Queen
  23. Despacito
  24. Don’t Stop Believin’
  25. Drops of Jupiter
  26. Firework
  27. Girls Just Want to Have Fun
  28. Happy
  29. Happy Together
  30. Havana
  31. Hotline Bling
  32. I Gotta Feeling
  33. I Want to Hold Your Hand
  34. I Will Survive
  35. I’m Yours
  36. Imagine
  37. Just the Way You Are
  38. Let It Go
  39. Love on Top
  40. Man in the Mirror
  41. Photograph
  42. Riptide
  43. Rolling in the Deep
  44. Say Something
  45. Shallow
  46. Shape of You
  47. Shut Up and Dance
  48. Someone Like You
  49. Sweet Caroline
  50. Thinking Out Loud
  51. Uptown Funk
  52. Viva la Vida
  53. Watermelon Sugar High
  54. Wonderwall

Classic Christmas Music Titles

best song titles about life

The soundtrack of Christmas is perhaps one of the most joyous things about the holiday season. Plus, Christmas music titles have a way of uplifting your spirit and putting you in the festive mood. My favorite Christmas song is “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.”

  1. “Baby, it’s cold outside.”
  2. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need.” — Mariah Carey
  3. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.”
  4. “Nothing lights my fire or wraps me up, baby, like you do.” — Katy Perry
  5. “Take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with me.” – Sia
  6. “You make every day feel like it’s Christmas, never wanna stop feelin’ like the first thing on your wishlist.” — Jonas Brothers
  7. A Marshmallow World Marvel
  8. Candlelight Carols
  9. Chestnuts Roasting Captures
  10. Christmas Card Chronicles
  11. Cocoa and Carols Chronicles
  12. Cozy Christmas Cuddles
  13. Cranberry Christmas Captures
  14. Dashing Through the Snowflakes
  15. Deck the Halls Dazzle
  16. Deck the Halls Delight
  17. Fa La La Frolics
  18. Festive Family Frolics
  19. Festive Fireside Moments
  20. Fireside Fables
  21. Frosted Window Frames
  22. Frosty Mornings and Cozy Carols
  23. Gift Wrap Galore
  24. Gingerbread House Gazette
  25. Glistening Garland Gatherings
  26. Glowing Gingerbread Gatherings
  27. Holly Jolly Highlights
  28. Jazzed-Up Jingle Bells
  29. Jingle All the Way Wonders
  30. Jingle and Mingle Merriment
  31. Jingle Bell Joy
  32. Jolly Old St. Nicholas Nook
  33. Jovial Jingle Jam
  34. Joy to the World Joviality
  35. Let It Snow Scenes
  36. Let the Angels Sing
  37. Merry and Bright Memories
  38. Merry Little Memories
  39. Mistletoe Moments
  40. Nativity Nightlights
  41. North Pole Nostalgia
  42. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
  43. Santa Claus Lane Smiles
  44. Santa’s Workshop Wonders
  45. Silent Night Sparkle
  46. Silver Bells Bliss
  47. Sleigh Bell Symphony
  48. Sleigh Bells Serenity
  49. Sleigh Ride Radiance
  50. Snowflake Serenade
  51. Sugar Plum Sparkle
  52. Tinsel Twinkle Tales
  53. Winter Whistle Wonders
  54. Winter Wonderland Whimsy
  55. Yuletide Cheer Chronicles
  56. Yuletide Yummies and Yams

Tips For Using Music Titles To Caption Photos

band headlines

Think of your music titles as a headline that ties your scrapbook page together. Craft titles that not only label the photos but also tell your story. For my scrapbook, I add in meaningful lyrics to my favorite songs associated with the events of the photo.

Consider the mood and tone of your photos when selecting music titles. Just like the perfect melody enhances a scene in a movie, the right title can set the mood for your scrapbook page (source “What is important when it comes to titles).

Experiment with different genres of music to create themed layouts. A page dedicated to a rock concert might feature bold and edgy titles. On the other hand, a travel album could be complemented with titles inspired by acoustic melodies.

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Music Scrapbook Page Ideas

music scrapbook ideas

By incorporating these titles, you’re not only adding a layer of personalization but also creating a soundtrack for your memories. As you flip through your scrapbook pages you are able to relive those joyous, exciting, and emotional moments all over again.

These scrapbook music titles provide a unique and creative way to tell your story, allowing you to express your feelings through the power of music.

Create musical layouts based on genres, decades, or even specific artists. Use the titles to frame your photos, highlight special moments, or as captions that narrate the tale behind each snapshot. I also urge you to add in journaling about your top songs and/or musical artists of the time period.

creative music titles

This post is all about how to find music titles

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